Teachers considering retirement will benefit from attending one of the "Planning for Retirement" seminars run by the Teachers' Retirement Agency, which helps prepare for this lifestyle change in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Their informative and interesting guest speakers deliver all the information you need to know, often in a quite amusing manner! www.teachersretirementagency.co.uk

BBT Group Limited have delivered professional financial advice for thousands of teachers over many years. They provide holistic financial planning tailored specifically for teachers. www.bbtgroup.co.uk

BBT Estate Planning services include Lasting Power of Attorney, Wills, Trusts and Tenancy issues. They can ensure that when death occurs, by working in conjunction with family and professional advisers, probate is dealt with in an efficient and cost effective manner.

Eduhealth is a private healthcare scheme provided by Healthsaver Limited, which is uniquely costed and tailored specifically to teachers’ needs. It allows you and your family to choose where and when you want to be treated and even more importantly, by whom. www.eduhealth.co.uk |